My Sweet Dog

Well, a couple weeks ago, Skyler, my dog began “swelling” near the incision site. Just a little. This past week, it has grown quite a bit, and I took her to the vet this morning.

The vet feels the cancer is back, and if so, very aggressive, to grow so quickly in a short span of time.  He of course was not 100% sure that it was another tumor, but said he feels surgery is definitely warranted. So tomorrow morning in she goes again to have this removed. I hope it is not the cancer back. I hope it is something benign, or something else non-serious wrong.

This past week though, her energy has been way down, very sleepy, not getting up too much. So I know something is amiss, and I do fear the worse, only because I see how tired and worn she is. Just a few months ago she was still chasing her tail around and wrestling with my son in the living room.

Tomorrow, I will find out after the surgery how it went, and I hope they say it was not a tumor (and hopefully something not too severe). If it is a tumor, it will be another week waiting for pathology reports.

Thanks all for listening :) I will keep you all posted.