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Princess Of Twilight Corrections:

PostPosted: Fri Jun 25, 2010 10:54 am
by Lisa
The latest version is 6K.

Version 6J:
These are now changed in version 5K
- In Stitch definitions,beg-tr-fan (beginning treble fan), minifan, beg-big-fan (beginning big fan), it is now noted that all the ch 5 in these sts count as a tr and ch-1 sp.
- In sleeves, more detail was given, that you work Rnd 1 of sc evenly around armhole by working the sc evenly around in row edges of Front Panel, row edges of strap, and row edges of left or right back panel.

Versions below Version 6 (5B, etc)
A major facelift. The entire pattern style was changed, as well as formatting etc.

Re: Princess Of Twilight Corrections:

PostPosted: Sat Jul 03, 2010 7:00 am
by cathy24
Hi Lisa

Can you send me the updated version of 6K. I will add the changes to my pattern.


Happy July 4th to all!!!!

Cathy :D

Re: Princess Of Twilight Corrections:

PostPosted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 12:56 pm
by Lisa
Hi Cathy! I want to let you know I just sent you version 6k :) Please let me know if you do not receive it. Also be sure to check your spam/trash folder.

Re: Princess Of Twilight Corrections:

PostPosted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 4:56 pm
by icephoenix
O.o I feel so... outdated hehee...
I've had the Princess of Twilight since not long after my first baby was born in 2006 - version 5b. 2 boys later, I am pregnant with my second girl (WOOHOO).

I never did have the opportunity to do a full set so I'm starting with the booties (and encountering "holey" problems with row1 after row 2 is completed).

Lisa - can you send me a current version? My pdf shows original transaction ID:

I no longer use that email address, instead please send to the email associated with this forum account. Thanks a bunch! Perhaps if I frog for a third time it will come out 'right'

Re: Princess Of Twilight Corrections:

PostPosted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 1:08 pm
by Lisa
Grats on a new baby girl!! :) I just sent you off the most recent version :) Let us know if you have any questions!


Re: Princess Of Twilight Corrections:

PostPosted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 6:03 pm
by icephoenix

I received the most recent version (had to go back to hotmail account and slap them around for dumping it into the junk/spam folder *sniffsniff*

I just finished the hat from using version 5b, so I thought I'd look at the newest version to see if there's anything that would have made a difference. I love the different formatting - although, it does take a few to get used to since I've been staring at 5b for 5days now.

In the Hat pattern for Newborn size, Crown section, at the end of Round 6, if you could add back 'Continue on to "Body".' at the end of that round, it may lessen any confusion since Rnd7 does not include a newborn sizing.

Muah - loving the set I'm making and hoping the baby will fit in it for a few days/weeks when she arrives!


Re: Princess Of Twilight Corrections:

PostPosted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 6:18 pm
by Lisa
Lilian- Wow so you are due any day now... wow :)

That is a great suggestion, I will definitely add that to the list of things to add to patterns. I think that is a great suggestion!

I am sure it is a big difference from the version you are working from :) I am so glad though you stopped by here and got a hold of the new version as like you said - I think it is a lot better. but you will definitely have to find your place in comparison to the old :)

Re: Princess Of Twilight Corrections:

PostPosted: Sat Feb 11, 2012 2:39 pm
by icephoenix
*wipes forehead* I'm not very far into the dress but these are my suggestions up to where I am at currently.

tr section should read "tr (treble): Yo twice, insert hook in st indicated and pull up a lp, (yo and draw through 2 lps) 3 times."
add "hdc (half-double crochet): Yo, insert hook in st indicated and pull up a lp, yo and draw through all 3 lps."

Joining Panels Rnd 3 calls for hdc but hdc is not in the STITCHES section at the beginning of the document
Lacey Overlay Rnd 6 should end with "join with sl st to first sc of first ch3lp" instead of ch-3 sp
<- :idea: i just looked at this particular one again (on 2/13) and ch3lp or ch3 sp all refers to the same spot since other places in pattern consistently refer to end of Rnd counts of ch3 sp and not ch3lp's

Re: Princess Of Twilight Corrections:

PostPosted: Sat Feb 11, 2012 3:49 pm
by icephoenix
Pattern photo on page 4 shows Rnd 8 of Lacy Overlay as (tr, ch1, tr) in same dc sp, [(ch1, tr) in the next dc sp] 3 times, (ch1, tr) 2 times in last dc sp of same sh

In Pattern: Rnd 8 says "(Ch 5, tr) in same st, [(ch1, tr) in next dc of same sh] 3 times" <- this would place the (ch1, tr) 3x in the second dc of the sh? then "ch1, (tr, ch1, tr) in last dc of same sh" <- this would skip over 2 dc spaces making the tr shell lop-sided

Also after sk next ch 2 sp, sk next ch3lp, sk next ch-2 sp, the repeat section does the same thing...
"*(tr, ch 1, tr, ch 1) in first dc of next sh, [tr, ch1) in next dc of same sh] 3 times" <- this would place the 3tr in the second dc instead of the middle dc

"(tr, ch1, tr) in last dc of same sh, sk next ch 2 sp, sk next ch3lp, sk next ch-2 sp. Rep from *"

Is the new pattern suppose to start and read as: (ch5, tr) in same st, sk next dc, [(ch 1, tr) 3x ]in the next dc, sk next dc, (ch1, tr) 2x in last dc of same sh, sk next ch 2 sp, sk next ch3lp, sk next ch2 sp, *(tr, ch1, tr, ch1) in first dc of next sh, sk next dc, [(tr, ch1) in next dc of same sh] 3x, (tr, ch1, tr) in last dc of same sh, sk next ch2 sp, sk next ch3lp, sk next ch2 sp. Rep from * around; join with sl st to 4th ch of beg ch5?

Re: Princess Of Twilight Corrections:

PostPosted: Mon Feb 13, 2012 10:53 am
by Lisa
Thank you Ice for all those details! This is such an old old pattern, I am so glad you have alerted me to all of this! This and a few other good oldies are on the list to be retested. I really appreciate you though taking the time and posting all of this!! As soon as I have all of these corrections in, I will be sure to send you a new version of the pattern. I have been pretty darn sick this weekend with the flu bug. However in the next couple days once im at 100% I am going to go through everything you posted and let you know my thoughts. Thanks again so much!