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help on artic sea goddess scarf

PostPosted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 5:32 am
by ferretgrl57
i need help on what do do after finishing the first motif. When I finished the first motif i went on to do the 2nd motif by starting rnd 1, chain 8 and continued on thru rnd 5. When I try and start rnd 6 (joining the motifs) The 2nd motif overlaps the 1st one and doesn't look anything like the picture. Are these done continuous or oare the fastened off and then connected? I crochet left handed so may look backwards to you pix enclosed.

Re: help on artic sea goddess scarf

PostPosted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 8:11 am
by Tralee
I didn't test these, but hopefully I can explain it to you.
Take your first motif and lay it in front of you with the right side down, wrong side facing you. Put your working motif on top of it so the wrong sides of both motifs are touching each other. The right side of this should be facing you. Now you can follow the directions. It will alternate between the new and old to form a join, then when you finish and pull them flat, both right sides will be on the same side. I hope this helps. :D

Re: help on artic sea goddess scarf

PostPosted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 8:25 am
by ferretgrl57
I see that on all the other patterns it says to fasten off, That is where my problem was, on the Artic Sea Goddess pattern it doesn't say to fasten off so I continued with the next motif and it doesn't work. Sorry about the trouble.

Re: help on artic sea goddess scarf

PostPosted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 4:00 pm
by Lisa
Oh my there should be a fasten off! Thank you for checking on this. Also, just so you know, these are currently being updated. I am not sure when they will be done, but these are being revamped, and updated and all the writing is being looked at. I will check to be sure that this correction makes it, and will also be sure to get you a new copy of the pattern once the retesting is completed! :)