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PostPosted: Wed May 05, 2010 5:25 pm
by Brandy
I am working from a old version... 5c. I havent done this one before and my Mom needs a baby blanket for a friend, so I am now going to make it. But I am wondering... the rows start with a sl st in first 2 loops, got that, but the end of the row we trp-loop in center of last trp-loop and that leaves 1 loop at the end unworked... please just verify this for me before I get too far in. It just seems odd to me :) Nadine... you are the expert on this one since you have made it so many times... Am I missing a correction with my old version?

Re: Question...

PostPosted: Wed May 05, 2010 8:47 pm
by JillD
I'm not Nadine (and she is truly the expert on this one), but I have made 3 Afghan of the Sandmans and the slip stitch at the beginning but not a corresponding one at the end of the row is the way it is.

I never thought about it as inconsistent. I always viewed the slip stitch as a way to get where you need to be (in this case, the center loop of the first triple loop) without really adding stitches (just traveling the yarn to where it needs to be).

If you need consistency, you could look at it as the slip stitches are at the end of every other row on each side.

Re: Question...

PostPosted: Thu May 06, 2010 4:28 am
by carolyn60
I've made this one also, and in the newer version it states that "leave first and last ch-3 sp of each tri-lp unworked".

Re: Question...

PostPosted: Thu May 06, 2010 4:42 am
by Brandy
Thanks all for the info... I move forward then :)