2011 Testing Guideliness

Begin here for those wishing to become a tester of Crochet Garden patterns. Note: Before getting activated, you must send an email requesting to be a tester to the email address on post in this forum. All activations are done manually - this keeps spammers away, and allows us to get to know you!

2011 Testing Guideliness

Postby Lisa » Sat Jul 15, 2006 2:13 am

EDIT: These Rules and guidelines no longer apply. Please keep an eye out in the NEW 2013 TESTER GUIDELINES LOCATED HERE:



Welcome to the Crochet Garden Testing Board!
REVISED 1/29/08

Recently, due to the Crochet Garden growing and becoming a well-known and respected place to find crochet patterns, new testing guidelines have been implemented, as described below. Testing now implements a Level System. To gain access to the next level in the testing process, the preceeding level requirements must be met. After reading everything in this thread, introduce yourself in the Rose Garden, and read through forums within the Garden Oasis. Returning testers who have been absent will be required to complete this process at discretion of mods based on past testing history. It is mandatory, however. that all returning testers send in completed and signed testing agreement.

Although the process to become a Crochet Garden tester can be long and many are eager to begin crocheting, patience is imperative, as well as us getting to know you and vice versa. The more we see of your personality and dedication, the easier the process will be for you, as well as for us. We are a small group, and many testers have been here before the Crochet Garden even became a bonefide business. This is a very warm and close group of people, but newcomers are always welcome with a big smile, as well as support and encouragement.

In addition, there is a need for a laborious process to become an established tester. Each day, the Crochet Garden battles theft and illegal distribution of patterns, as well as "adaptations" of "borrowed" styles and ideas. To keep all this to a minimum, we must maximize this process to bring forth genuine, honest and devoted testers. And remember, this is not just for testing- we are a community here. We not only test patterns, we chat, share our lives and have lots of fun - Friendship is the core of the Crochet Garden.

Each tester brings in something different to the testing process. Every skill level is important- they bring different views on instructions and suggestions. One may be strong mathematically, whereas another is strong on catching little typos and alignment. I have one tester who has a knack for catching logical errors... and another who has an uncanny ability to find the littlest things that others don't see- including me!

Your crocheting skills will become even more refined, and you will form wonderful friendships, as well as be a part of something that is all of its own- the growth and success of the Crochet Garden, and to know you were a part of that.

Crochet Garden Testing Privacy Statement: Version 1

By agreeing to test for the Crochet Garden, you are agreeing not to share the patterns with anyone or by any means whatsoever, whether during or after testing. This includes distributing the pattern, the photo(s), or anything pertaining to the pattern, whether it for free or for sale in any form. You are also agreeing not to divulge ideas, techniques, stitches, excerpts from patterns, testing forum, etc. with anyone else, or in any other venue that originated from the Crochet Garden. This includes posts, photos and ideas from other members of the board as well. This is not only breaking copyright, is also in respect of the designer and being a classy, loyal tester.

Access approved for all registered users.

LVL 0 Has access to:
All LVL 0 forums: Introductions, General Chat, Fiber Talk, Question Of The Week, Your Garden (photos posted of finished projects etc)

    -To gain access to the Level 1 forums you must meet the following criteria:

    1. Send in agreement by mail (not email) Signed User Agreement
    2. 5 quality posts (Not just "I agree" and "wow") - We want to get to know you.

LVL 1 Has access to:
All LVL 0 and LVL 1 forums, level 1 projects up and ready for testing, level 1 lounge.

    -To gain access to level 2, the following criteria must be met:

    1. Fill out Database Questionnaire
    2. 25 quality posts
    4. One - two patterns tested, to approval of mods. Keep an eye on the Projects Forum here for projects up for testing available to Level 1 members.
    Note: This is your step into gaining access to Level 3 and you then become an established tester.

LVL 2 Has access to:
All LVL 0-2 forums, level 2 list of projects up for testing, level 2 lounge.


    The following criteria must be met to gain access to level 3

    1. 2-4 patterns tested, approval of mods, consistent visiting and posting on forum.

    LVL 3 Has access to:
    All LVL 0 - 3 forums, gains access to the Enchanted Garden which contains forums where all projects up for testing are listed, the established testers' lounge, and other forums as well. The Garden Bistro contains all the fun stuff, where testers can redeem points earned for tickets for drawings for gifts, yarn, patterns etc.

3) What is required of being a tester? (And other questions)

1. Involvement on testing board:Post everything- from errors, to suggestions, to comments, to progress. This is a requirement. It helps testers see where others' are coming from and to collaberate- it really helps a lot and contributes greatly to the outcome of the pattern. It also helps me gauge where everyone is at in the testing and areas I may need to get another tester for.

2. Updates:Check-ins of your progress. I am not asking you to work on the pattern nonstop until it is finished. I do understand 100% that things come up etc. All I ask is just a check-in on the testing board of where you are at- even if no progress at all. I promise not to throw a crochet hook at you! :)

3. Camera:
This is kind of gray area. A photo helps me see how a pattern looks, especially a garment, to make adjustments if needed. However, I do realize that there are PHENOMENAL testers out there who bring in their skills to the testing process who do not have a camera to show a photo. This will be on a case by case basis.

5. How many projects can I test at a time?
Level 1 & 2: One project at a time. Level 3: Limit of 2 projects unless special permission is granted.. Just keep in mind your limits. Each project will have an estimated time to complete it- barring no major revamps. You know how much time you have in the day for testing, and know what family/holiday events etc. that you have coming up. I do not want patterns rushed through testing because you have too many things going on at once. You know if you are testing something else, or have a big wedding afghan to make someone, or have lots of holiday gifts to make.

Other Information:
I do take note of what errors are caught, and by whom and when. If you are rushing, most likely you will miss things. I do realize nobody will catch all errors... and sometimes even I miss big things when reworking a pattern! Finally, I do not want you to get burned out.

What do I post?:
Think about if you purchased a pattern... what would you not want to see in something you paid for? You see, even the most minor typo brings MUCH shadow upon the pattern. A customer may think... wow she can't even check for typos... wonder what else is wrong?
* Stitch counts at end of rows (make sure they are indeed accurate)
* typos (This even includes ANY spelling error... anything not bolded or italicized right etc.)
* clarity of instructions
* first instance of a new stitch described
*logic errors

I want 100% perfection. Do NOT think you are nit-picking or being anal-retentive. The more you post the more I adore... You do not have to catch everything... someone may catch something whereas another doesn't. Do not think I am going to get mad at you for posting something that may be silly. If you are questioning it... POST IT. I want these patterns to be 100% correct concise and clear. If something is unclear or confusing... or if you see maybe a way to make it better.. POST IT. I am VERY good at taking criticism! Finally, my ideas and patterns are so unique and techniques have not been seen before- it is hard to tell what was intended! Thus- with me it is better to be safe than sorry!

Is there compensation?:
No compensation at this time. However, testers earn points from testing and posting. These points can be used for Events in the Garden Bistro. The Garden Bistro is where points are redeemed or used for "tickets" to win things- such as yarn, gift certificates, patterns and lots more.


Posting Photos:Please do not post any photos of your testing project, even in your blog, until the pattern becomes available for sale. You may write text that you are testing, but no details of the pattern are to be included other than maybe "I am currently testing for Crochet Garden."
There are several reasons for this.
First, online theft. There is much thievery in the online world. People often snatch a photo and then sell it along with a pattern. Another may take the photo and work up their own version and post it and thus have claim that it was theirs to begin with, "beating to the punch" per se. All of my work is 100% original, completely from my imagination. I use no templates whatsoever, no other patterns, nothing. Thus, my work is precious to me and so I am sure you could understand my feelings. Second, it *may* take away from sales. I have seen in the past where photos were posted and an individual wanted it, went to order but then saw it was not yet available, and subsequently forgot about it.

Gauge / Materials: You MUST FOLLOW Gauge. If you do not, this defeats a major part of testing. This is mostly applicable to garments. As per color and materials, you are free to use any color or substitute material you wish as long as gauge is met. Also, testers must keep track of material usage. An average will be used in the Material Section of each pattern.

Additional Information once you have begun testing:

If you see a post someone is needing help on, go on and answer or bring up your views or thoughts! There may be a beginner testing an intermediate pattern that may need some help. Having different levels of crocheters helps me immensely in seeing things from different views.


Once accepted to test a project, the forum will open up to you.

Each testing forum contains 6 threads that are "stickies":
1) Download you will see the name, version and the text "DOWNLOAD HERE." You will left-click on that thread, then click on the word "download." If your download does not begin, you can right-click on the word "Download" then click "save as" or "save target as."

You will see over time many names of files for download. This is how the downloads work:

Each time I make revisions to a pattern I post a new version. All patterns begin with version 1. All minor errors will have a letter. Say for example I fix 5 typos and a stitch count. That will be Version 1B. if there is a BIG error, there will be a number change. Say for example that same pattern I see that I measured the amount of rows wrong, the corrected version will be version 2. All details of each corrected version will be entered in.

2) USAGE & NAME FOR CREDIT & SIZE: When you are starting, post what size you are completing. Then when finished, please post amounts of each color you used and the type of yarn you used. The averages will then be entered into the finalized patterns. Post here your name as you want it shown for credit for testing.

3)PROGRESS: This is where you update your progress... even if you have made no progress at all. It helps me know where I am at in testing and if someone is doing the "disappearing" act. Plan to check-in at least once a week.

4)PHOTOS: Post all photos here... of progress and final project

5) TYPOS: Post all spelling errors, typos, formatting issues, etc here. Do NOT POST stitch counts in this thread, make them their own post!

6)SUGGESTIONS:Please place any pattern suggestions here


When you make a post, PLEASE include Sizes AND Row # you are doing. Also, please make a new post for a new row #. If you see another error on the same row #, then reply on that post. This will help when someone is looking for anything written on a particular row #. You may wonder, what if there is a thread on a certain row # but a different size? Use your best judgement... We want to keep the boards as uncluttered as possible, but want to keep them easily accessible when trying to find an answer. The BEST advice is whatever you post, make a clear and concise subject line. For example:

Row 15 OF Skirt for Size 2T- stitch count

Row 20 of Yoke for 0-3 MOS- Suggestion


Almost daily several times a day I will look at errors posted. I will then decide if pattern is needing changing I will edit your subject line to something along the lines of this:


C = Corrected
V = Version

4B = version #.

This way you can look at your version # and see if you have that version. If not.. you will know if you need to download the new version, or make the change on your own copy etc.

PLEASE do NOT wait until you are finished testing to post your errors. The purpose of this board is that we help one another in testing... and when there are errors, post them as soon as you are able so others do not have to be stuck and waiting...


Yes, post all the photos you want of your progress within the testing forum! You do not have to have web space. You can use my space. When you go to make a new post, you will see an attachment at bottom to attach your photo.
You will see "Pictures/Photos of Testers' Projects" Forum. Here is where you can post photos of your progress and results freely.

Please check to see on your profile (link at top of board) that your email address is there and is valid. This is how you will receive board notices and notifications of private messages (which I often use to request testing) etc.

If you have a question, or anything it is best to post on the message board. If it is something private or something best not to be posted on board, email me at: lisa@crochetgarden.com

Last edited by Lisa on Thu Jan 31, 2008 9:32 am, edited 16 times in total.
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Postby Tralee » Mon Jul 17, 2006 1:11 pm

Due to the theft problems, Etaria, may I suggest that no photos be posted even in your blog until the pattern becomes available for sale and when posting while testing, maybe it should be limited to only the testing forum for that pattern so there isn't any leaks of the design. Just a thought! :wink:
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Postby sanloro » Wed Jul 19, 2006 12:38 pm

I would also "Love" to become a tester... I love to crochet baby items any size. Live in Puerto Rico

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become a tester

Postby nannycrochets » Thu Aug 24, 2006 1:05 pm

I Love to crochet and I want to become a tester.I from Louisiana.
What do I have to do next?
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Re: become a tester

Postby Tralee » Thu Aug 24, 2006 7:46 pm

nannycrochets wrote:Hello,
I Love to crochet and I want to become a tester.I from Louisiana.
What do I have to do next?

Hi nannycrochets! Your next step would be to introduce yourself in the introductions section. We will welcome you there. :D
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Postby Lisa » Mon Feb 26, 2007 11:03 am

REVISED 2/26/07
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Postby malca » Mon Feb 26, 2007 11:53 am



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welcome to crochet garden

Postby olgezzerette » Thu Mar 01, 2007 2:30 pm

My name is Linda and am from Iowa. I am self-taught, been crocheting for many years. I have used Lisa's patterns and LOVE them. That is why I want to become a tester. All her patterns are exquisite and you do not get bored with them. My first pattern, Fairytale Moments Keepsake for my newborn granddaughter. OH MY, what a pattern!! I could hardly wait to get it done. And the matching headband and bib--what a Masterpiece when it was done. I even done the tiniest little baby bobby socks with matching thread trim. Am very proud to do her patterns and wanting to test them. Thanks, Lisa!!

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Postby Lisa » Thu Mar 01, 2007 7:44 pm

Revision 3/1:

Instead of PMing Level 1 members with a project for testing, the projects will be listed as they become available and level 1 members may volunteer for whichever project he/she chooses.
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Postby sqrlyg » Sat Mar 03, 2007 10:19 pm

:? Sorry, the proofreader in me comes out when I am reading something. I can't help it. There is a typo in the section under compensation. The word where has the wh transposed in the sentence: The Garden Bistro is [color=darkred]hwere points are redeemed [/color].
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